Weight Loss for Your Long-Term Health:

Customize Your Plan and Enjoy Your Transformation

Accomplished Clients

Mile Hydrate specializes in weight loss and assesses your goals and medical history before offering you a care plan. It is important that you feel included in the planning process for this journey. This insures the right personalized interventions to help you reach your weight loss and health goals. 

Judy was desperate while doing everything she knew how to lose weight and manage her diabetes, but it all kept failing her. There’s nothing like yearning for help to lead you to the right teacher. 

Building blocks of insight will always lead to an Ah-ha. And often, it starts with believing in the message that just makes sense. 

Two Weight Loss Options

You Choose Which One . . . or Both

Holistic Intermittent Fasting

Whether you have a little or a lot to lose, learning how to eat, when to eat, and what to eat is important. In this short 6-week fasting, on-demand program you progress through 6 of the most popular fasting protocols and learn to use them interchangeably with your busy life. 

You get educational videos, downloadable PDF guides, and tools for grocery shopping and cooking quick, nutritious meals. You learn which sugar substitutes are the best, how to fast when taking medications, which “window” is best for your wake/sleep cycle, and how to keep the weight off. 


Medical Weight Loss

Medications have their place. And you now have one of the most popular weight-loss medications on the market available to you. Mile-Hydrate uses FDA-approved and U.S.-manufactured peptide, so you know you can trust your purchase. 

Coupled with our fasting program that supports your nutritional lifestyle changes, adding semaglutide to your program synergistically enhances your results. 

We’ve got you covered!

Weight Loss without Exercise

Exercise is great for so many benefits, but no trustworthy health coach would ever say, “Don’t exercise.” However, you may not yet be able to exercise because you’re in too much pain, too short of breath with physical movement, or too weak to carry your own body weight. When you start fasting and tap into your fat cells to fuel your energy needs, you’ll drop weight easily and be ready to get moving. In fact, you’ll be more motivated to move your body. 

What to Expect

If NOT eating was easy or taking a prescription medication was simple, everyone would be skinny. You now recognize you need help and we’re here to help you. We begin with a comprehensive review of your goals, struggles, and desires. Then, after a full medical assessment, we customize your weight loss plan just for you. And you have a specialized weight loss partner right along with you as you travel through this transformative journey and change. 

Learn to Eat the Right Way

Get our free download and see if you are doing all these tricks for your weight loss.

We’re ready to help you.

Are you ready for the help?



or schedule a free Personalized Weight Loss Design Session